Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Sample DDE "Conversation"

The following Microsoft Excel macro rotates the contents of Bentley Raceway and Cable Management's View 1 in 5° increments about the horizontal axis.

In this macro, chan is any Excel variable name, and it is needed to refer to this particular conversation in subsequent DDE requests. The contents of the macro are explained in the following table:

=INITIATE("Ustn","Keyin") Opens the conversation with Bentley Raceway and Cable Management. The constants Ustn Draft and Keyin are mandatory.
=EXECUTE(chan,"rv=5") Passes the key-in RV=5 to Bentley Raceway and Cable Management.
=FOR("Count",1,40) Starts a loop for 40 times.
=EXECUTE(chan,"selview 1") Uses the key-in SELVIEW 1 to simulate the entry of a data point in View 1.
=NEXT() Marks the end of the loop.
=TERMINATE(chan) Terminates the DDE conversation with Bentley Raceway and Cable Management.
=RETURN() Marks the end of the Excel macro.